Roy & Chris Cochran
As a pastor to artists, Roy mentors, counsels and prays with some of the most influential worship leaders and artists both Nationally and throughout Southern California. He and his wife Christine have launched a ministry called ThirdChair, an organization reaching out & connecting Artists to their hearts & to their destinies.
For over 30 years Roy & Christine have served The Church as the worship pastor at Horizon Christian Fellowship, Journey Community Church, and Coastline Community Church all in San Diego County. Roy has also served and coached worship teams at many churches as an interim Worship Pastor throughout So. Cal. He has served for years with Worship Foundations International as the Director of the Worship Mentor Network and with The Grove Center for the Arts & Media as a pastor to artists and as a curator for their monthly Grove Gatherings. Roy & Christine also serve as Ambassadors for David’s Tent, a 72 hour non-stop Worship Festival in the Uk and USA. In 2017, Roy & his wife Christine began Third Chair Ministries.
These days, Roy & Christine are in their sweet spot, living and loving through their ministry, Third Chair. In addition to weekly mentoring & pastoring, curating ThirdChair Artist Gatherings,Party for the Soul, Artist Table & Painting with God, Roy also continues to be a guest speaker & worship leader at churches and a speaker at conferences, retreats & gatherings. He has also collaborated in bringing the love of God to audiences through theatrical Cirque du Soleil style productions, through film, dance, songwriting and just about any artistic medium that can carry the mystery of the Gospel into people's hearts through the creativity of artists.
Roy and his wife, Christine live in Carlsbad, California. They have two sons, Trevor & Connor and a very friendly Golden Retriever named Murphy. They love to share their home for Gatherings and with visiting artists for times of refreshment, healing and laughter.
Pastor to Artists
A pastor is a person, God has called, to "prepare those who believe in Christ for their work of ministry." I believe artists have the creative ability to tell God's story of love in a language everyone can understand and receive. That's what makes them so important to our world. Their potential is barely being scratched. I hope to see as many as I can step into their Identity & their destiny.
Mentoring is a relationship in which one person facilitates another to reach his or her God-given potential, through the sharing of God-given resources. In a world full of conferences, podcasts, webinars, and the like, information is readily & easily available and accessible, however I believe nothing beats someone investing their life experience into you in the context of relationship. The old-school term for this is “making disciples.”
Worship Leader
Roy has served as a worship leader in Southern California for 3 decades. He has served at very large churches and at small churches. In this season of his life he guest worship leads at various churches who invite him to work with their worship team or as a special guest.
Sacred Space AVL Curator
I believe our ENVIRONMENTS are critical to transformation. In so many churches I visit, the environment is either antiquated, tired and at times harsh or they can be loud and flashy with a coffee house decor. When our friends and visitors come into our environments do our "sacred spaces" tell them anything of the story about your community? Does the technology support the ethos of your church or is it fighting it? I can help.
I believe when you invest into artists through Third Chair it will have a direct impact on:
CHURCHES where many of these artists are vital leaders of congregations who reach thousands of people every weekend. The result; richer, bolder and more mature worship in our houses of faith. More diversity in our expressions from neo-liturgical eucharistic communities to modern communities. We need to widen the narrow band-width of expression in our times of worship.
COMMUNITIES where they are influential stewards redeeming culture through film, social media, music, art and other creative endeavors. The result; creative awakening to the saving grace of God in our culture.
CAUSES where many are encouraged to step out in faith to support needs locally and globally. The result; renewed awareness and compassion for those in our midst and abroad. Artists are always at the forefront of causes.